Exchange student in the USA 15/16

Pep rally, football and the beach

Kategori: Utbytesår 15/16

Today I have been in church as usual on Sunday's and been at the mall for a while. For lunch we went to What-A-Burger, my first time. I ordered a junior menu but the soda medium cup was like a large in Sweden! Welcome to America. 

Yesterday (Saturday) me, Grace, Simona and Becky went to Galveston for the EF orientation meeting. It's a welcome
meeting for the kids and their families in our region. My mum, Becky actually works for EF as a regional coordinator so she was responsible for the meeting. Galveston is a town at the coast so we went to the beach after and enjoyed our Saturday in the sun. 

This Friday our school had the first football game for the season and all the classes was shorted that day so we could have a pep rally to get pumped up for the game and create school spirit. On the peep rally the whole school was gathered in the gym and the band played, and the dance team and cheerleaders performed and all students screams and blow whistles. It's a bit cheese to say but it really felt like high school musical. This shook spirit thing is so cool and I really love it. 

Me, Grace and a Norwegian exchange student from one of my classes went to watch the game. It was really cool even tho I don't understand the game yet. Compared to soccer which is what I'm used to watch, the game felt a bit boring sometimes. The game pauses all the time and it's a lot of tactics I don't know about. But the halftime entertainment was so cool. The both the teams had their bands with what looked like about 150 people and dance teams and color guards and of course cheerleaders. Go cats! 🐾🏈 (Look at my Instagram for a video: freshprincessintexas ) 

The restaurant in Galveston. 

Donuts in church.

I'm trying to find European bread with whole wheat and seeds but I haven't seen it so far... Guess I have to make it by myself. 
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