Exchange student in the USA 15/16

Red ribbon week

Kategori: Utbytesår 15/16

What's up?

This week in school was red ribbon week, (an anti drugs and awareness week). The school had different masquerade themes and I went all in everyday. 

On Friday was the last pep rally and the last home game. It was kinda sad and I feelt sad for the senior, this was their last pep rally and game in high school! 

I never went to the game even if I wanted to see it, because it was raining. Later during the night (Friday/Saturday) it was tornado warnings and it was raining almost the whole Saturday. No trick or treating this year. 

// fresh princes in texas 

Bailey , Grace and me.
Me, Anamarie and Grace.

As you can see I was a minion and Grace was Agnes, the little girl in despicable me.

Tie dye Tuesday! 

Elizabeth with a crown and hamburger hat on mix match day. 

Tourist day!

Flashback Friday: 50's

Even if the red ribbon theme was "old school" the pep rally theme was "under the sea" so here is Patrick and SpongeBob.

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