Exchange student in the USA 15/16

Texas renascence festival

Kategori: Utbytesår 15/16

Hello again! 
Right know it's a a lot of things to do and I haven't been updating as often as I should. I will start doing it more regularly again.

The Saturday, 2 weeks ago,  Grace and I went to Texas Renaissance festival northwest of Houston with a friend and his parents. I had never been at theme festival, and the area for the festival was big like a real amusement park. It's the biggest Renaissance festival in USA. Walking there was like being in a fairytale and so many people was dressed up, I regret  I didn't dress up too. 

After we had dinner in Woodland and visited the big mall quick. They sold puppies and mini pigs in the pet shop, a difference from Sweden. 

It was a great day and I had a good night sleep after walking the whole day! 

// fresh princes in Texas 

Ian and Grace on a real elephant!

A couple were getting married! 
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