Exchange student in the USA 15/16

High School

Kategori: Utbytesår 15/16

Monday again and I had a pretty good day. A few people said it was cold today and it was, NOT (just cloudy)! If you don't think 81 (27Celsius) is cold, yepp that's a good summer day back home.

I thought I should write and explain some things that is my everyday here but still interesting for others.

I already wrote about how the classes are, 7 periods, bell rings etc). Comment if you are wondering about something!

Lunch: The lunch is divided in three time sections because the whole school, of almost 2000 students can't eat all at the same time. Juniors and seniors are allowed to leave school for lunch but I don't have a car so I eat in school and I often bring lunch. The food is good but it's different from the lunches in Swedish schools (when the food actually is for free). 

Dress code/ ID: I've already been complaining about the dress code but I haven't told you about the ID's. We have to wear our ID's day all the time, but it doesn't bother me. I got a nice chain for it.

Toilets: It weird writing about how the toilets are different but I have to explain. It's very simple and it's not so private, you can always hear the person in the toilet cubicle next to you pee. It's not only in school, the majority of the public bathroom I been to here are the same. They have like a gap between the door and "wall" too. It's hard to explain. It took a while to get used to it.😂

The classrooms: The teachers here got their own classroom and they only teach in one class (subject). Since they never move around the school, a lot of teachers decorates and do the classrooms more personal and in the school spirit.

School bus: I take the bus almost always, to and home from school. It's a mix of kids from elementary, junior high and high school in the same bus. One the way back it's more people because a lot of kids get a ride in the morning to school. Lucky them... 

Tests: Compered to Swedish tests it's a joke. Seriously every test I had so far was easy. I had a math test today and just so you know I'm not good in math. I just passed the course in Sweden last year. 

On the test today the allowed us to have our notes and we had gone through some of the questions last week. I've the easy math class but still, some things are hard and at the same time some are too easy. In my US government and World history class the test was multiple choice just like the parts of the math test. In Sweden you have to develop your answers and explain all your thoughts. It's a bit harder but I think that is better to make people understand and think yourself than just learn dates and exact answers. 

I'm going to bed early today and the AC is back! 🙌🏼 

//Fresh Princess 

Yesterday in church.

From a little fair market in Lake Jackson.

Shrimp and corn!

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